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sensitivi fotki

SENSITIVi, a transitional phase where I experiment with including senses in the process of creation, as well as in the process of perceiving the works. I try to allow the intuition, the feelings and the sensibility to guide me  towards a creation of “energised” artworks that are represented in a suitable spatial solution that justifies and accentuates the conceptual meaning of the work.


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Explore your senses

Dimensions: 400 x 100 x 10cm.

Plywood, paint, cookies.


A wall installation consisted of a series of 19 vertically placed objects in a combination of aromatical (food aroma extract) and tastefull elements (cookies) in a form of a text.

“Explore your senses”  is an artwork that indirectly poses the question of how much today’s human mind is ready to truly consume an artwork.


Go to SENSITIVI photo galery




Continuity in rhythm

Dimensions: 2500 x 10 x 10cm

Mediapan, paint.


Rhythmically placed pieces forming a line along the entire galery space.

The installation is consisted out of 25 objects  - 1 meter long, 10 cm wide and 10 cm thick, painted with a combination of colors that to not mix together (oil and water colors).

The objects are painted with worm, strong colors, symbolically representing energy fields/landscapes, that by random flowing down give the complete look of the objects. Every corner of the gallery is placed with black objects (10x10 cm.) that form a “negative” energy space (similar to an inside of a pyramide).

The works close, but at the same time they form a seemingly hermetic space where the observer is placed in a position to search for the beginning and the end, but in a metaphysical sence.

It comes to a beginning without an end, to a constant rhythm of the things, to a eternal egsistence. 


Go to SENSITIVI photo galery

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